
AGM Meeting

2p.m 22nd April 2023

To be held at - 6 Badger Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2EP

Items for the agenda should reach the secretary no later than 31 days before the meeting.

Raffle prizes will be very welcome.

At the 2013 AGM amendments were made to the rules to bring them up to date, please see below.

Current Rules

Show Support

The club gives rosettes to members’ cats which obtain show wins in our club classes at shows.
If a members cat gains a title during the current show year a medal will presented to the owner at the next A.G.M.
if they send details of shows, judges & dates when the cat was awarded the certificates which led a title. 

Please send full details in writing to Norma Palmer. 6 Badger Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2EP 01625 668908