We hold open committee meetings and all club members are free to attend at our meetings. Please see our News Page for the date of our next meeting.
Norma Palmer
01625 668908
Vice Chairperson
Ross Davies
Hon. Secretary
Lindsay Ramscar
Lindsayramscar (@) gmail.com
Hon. Treasurer
Richard Barlow
richardbarlow2 (@) virginmedia.com
Membership Secretary
Lindsay Ramscar
Lindsayramscar (@) gmail.com
Show Manager
Ross Davies
ross (@) burnthwaitessiamese.co.uk
GCCF Delegate
Ross Davies
SCJAC Representative
Ross Davies
OJBAC Representatives
Ross Davies
Further Members of the Committee
Jean Clarke, Penny Cook, Paula Davies, Sarndra Devereaux, Sharon Gurney Taylor and Chris Taylor